Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Savagery- 4/22/08

How civilized is too civilized ? I lost my phone the other day and it might seem to everyone that I’m nowhere to be found but I am still here. Vice versa, I could almost say that I am cut off from the rest of the world. The conditions of me losing said phone is a matter for a later occasion but in some places of the world we consider so insignificant or “lesser” developed, they have some things that no hand, human or mechanical, can build. Well, what will become of us if we stand so high on our own high horse that we lose our balance and hit harder to the ground than if we simply moved of our own accord to touch our feet upon the soft earth ? Pride is a pain that heals quickly but what pains we leave awaiting ourselves is just brutal. GET INVOLVED before you lose the chance to...

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