Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Single Life-Being a nomad- 1/5/08

Well, the year is only five days old but for me it feels like the old hooks of 2007 are still dragging along the back of ’08. Bachelorhood is a great thing most days. No worries about having to call and ask how the other half’s day was or going places without worrying about reporting where you’re going or who you’re with; actually, parents do that too, so I’m pretty trained for that little task when I finally get “plucked up” by a young lady. I used to think that guys had a little bit more of a handling in their personal relationships with women, but I honestly think now that we are given it to us by a girlfriend, fiancee, or wife. Some women don’t realize how much they have the ball in their court when a man really cares for her but some women give an equal or lesser share, others give damn near the whole pie, while some leave a man a few crumbs to keep their appetite whet. This is the sedentary life of being in a relationship. You both set down your respective seeds of love for one another and hope to grow the fruits of happiness, connection, etc., and build a big house next to it and settle down for however long things can be sustained, sometimes for good and other times not. The single man, like myself, or woman are like the nomads of this particular reality. We look at others and see the beautiful fruits they grow together and the little weeds that pry up and strangle at some of the good things they have made for themselves. Once in a while, a nomad even gets to almost be like one of these lovely couples. They might get a “tester plant” to share with another and see if anything good can come of it. Its a hit or miss operation but still practiced nowadays. I’m not gonna say I’m super happy being single cause I know there are gonna be days when I’m not gonna be super happy being in a relationship. I’m just glad to have my options open, or even closed if you wanna be cynical. Like that half full glass or half empty one. I’m just glad there’s something in the damn thing, air, water or whatever else.

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