Wednesday, December 31, 2008


The creepy crawly things inside our heads. Nothing really scares us more than ourselves is a known truth. We find it in bottles of pills, bottles of alcohol, our hands that won’t come clean, that dirt that won’t come out despite all the rubbing in the world. A lil Lady Macbeth syndrome. There is nothing new I can probably shine on this constant topic. The holding of skeletons in closets and such. I’m reading this book now called “Battle Royale” by Koushun Takami, it shows how people can be pushed to show their inner demons when they feel that they have no choices left but to only trust themselves and the rare other person that they know to be a real friend. Faced with the choice of killing others, the monsters inside o=come out. Not so much a mean monster, but scared ones. Forgotten Monsters. Tiny Monsters grown to size with the opportunity for their own ability to become HUGE. I’m saddened that such a story of fiction rings true. We as people have made an intricate art of hiding not only our monsters but the angels we hold within ourselves. We leave ourselves to be consistent unknowns to people we work with, go to school with, even go to church with all the time. Now, I don’t say that the world must be embraced with open arms, but a hello every once in a while never hurts.

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